Detroit is a city seething with irony.  This beautiful city rose out of the Detroit River on the might of the industrial revolution– yet as that revolution fades into history, so does this city seem to fall right back into the flowing water.  Detroit, Michigan swelled to 2 million residents strong at the peak of the auto industry’s growth.  Later in 1967, the city was crushed by race riots and a resulting exodus of most of its population into the suburbs.  Plants closed, business shuttered, and this misunderstood city fell into a deep depression. There are some, however, who see beauty in urban decay.  Photographers Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre are amongst these ruins seekers whose passion took them to the Motor City.  Their photo novel titled “Ruins of Detroit” is a touching look into the pain and beauty this city has in its difficult history.  While this city rose to prosperity on the back of industrial progress, these pictures show the high water mark before it sank into a depression of cultural and economic bankruptcy. [see the full gallery at via dailytonic] View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 19The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 18The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 89The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 34The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 97The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 85The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 61The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 63The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 96The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 14The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 10The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 85The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 41The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 36The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 5The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 53The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 79The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 73The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 18The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 70The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 51The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 85The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 45The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 29The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 97The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 90The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 61The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 25The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre - 79